2 thoughts on “The Man with Two Novels

  1. Many many thanks, very kind of you. I enjoyed your appreciation and agree you should submit it to the papers, as one message said.

    I’m trying to convince Karina Bolasco to republish “Reportage on Politics” and “Reportage on Crime,” they’re really superb. And thanks, most people tell me, Kapusz-who??? His books, somehow, don’t often reach the Manila bookstores.

  2. Excellent! Yours is the best of the appreciations, partly because it is less gushing than the others but also because it is much more informative about his work.

    It is a crying shame how much of Joaquin’s work is out of print. A collection of his shorter works like “Reportage on Politics” is much needed.

    I also wrote an appreciation on my blog – url above – but it’s not as good as yours.

    Finally, anyone who references Ryzard Kapuscinski is OK by me.

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